Saturday, July 21, 2007

Mount Kigali

It is always hard to figure out how to introduce these posts, so for this one I will not. Also, I'm going to stop putting so much time into my blog, cause no one leaves me comments, unless I call them and tell them to (and aunt Debby). So my blog effort is a reflection of your effort to leave comments. Just joking....hhmmmm.....kind of.

Today is Saturday the 21st of July, 18 days left. I am really not looking forward to leaving, but I trying to make the best of the time I have left. This past week one of the Food for the Hungry Staff informed Jim and I about a trail that guides its way up a hill named, "Mount Kigali". We were told that the trail leads to an amazing view of Kigali. Taking interest in this, we decided it was a feat we could accomplish.

This morning Israel (the university student I met at church), Christian, Emmanuel, Felix, Thatius (the students from the Kigali Institute of Education), the other interns, and I went on the footing adventure. Which is actually a hiking adventure, but here in Rwanda they refer to hiking as footing, I know, a little strange. Well as our friends arrived bright and early at 9:00 a.m. on a Saturday, I was hyped up and ready to go. Yeah right, all I wanted was one more hour to sleep, but I guess it's not all about me, how lame! After taking a quick picture of the whole group, we were on our way. After two Matatu rides and an hour later we arrived at a gravel road climbing up the side of a hill, that I guess is Mount Kigali.

Nothing new, but from the large amount of stares and yelling of Mazungu, I believe we were the first Mazungu's this part of town had seen in a while. Seeming though someone had said action, the children start popping out of everywhere, the ground, houses, fields, trees, animals, rocks and followed us from the beginning of our hike to the very end. I love it! Even though there is a language barrier, the children are always one of my favorite aspects of anything we do. They are very easily entertained by any noise or action I make, and are absolutely amazed by my hairy arms. The trip overall took a couple hours, but was a lot of fun. The trip really allowed us to get to know our Rwandan friends and take advantage of our limited time we have left, to really have fellowship with them. They are some amazing people and have battled through a lot, which for myself, has been very self motivating.

After the hike we ended our afternoon with a lunch at the guest house, which Christian showed me he was able to shove a whole fish in his mouth. So then I had to show him up with stuffing a sliced potato into mine, which was quite large. Around 2:30, they all had to get going to take care of their various activities, at which we led them to the gate and departed by telling each other how much we appreciated the morning we had just spent together. These type of experiences is what assures me that I would able to live in Africa, hanging out with these guys was like hanging out with my friends back home.

On Sunday, believe it or not, Rick Warren (wrote the Purpose Driven Life) was here in Kigali A couple of the interns and I decided to go, I mean how many other times in a person's life is their the an oppportunity to listen to Rick Warren in Rwanda. His message was directed towards the youth of Rwanda and their unique individual purposes, as they are the next generation that will lead Rwanda. A couple of years ago Paul Kagame (Rwanda's President) finished Rick Warren's infamous book, "The Purpose Driven Life", and decided to call up ol' Ricky to help shape the purpose for Rwanda. In the past two years Ricky has visited Rwanda quite often to work with churches, government officials, and the people of Rwanda to help envision their future. Needless to say, Ricky has been provided an amazing opportunity in help making Rwanda an example for all of Africa, and the world. Go Ricky!

So that was a glimpse of my weekend. I think Wednesday the interns and I might be going on a safari, so that should be pretty cool. Also for all you skeptics, I am working as well as participating in all these other activities. I am just trying to keep you entertained throughout the whole blog, becuase the things I do in the office are not always very fun. Welp, love and miss you all. Peace out from Rwanda.


jwow said...

THe view from Mt. Kagali looks awesome. I am sure that is something you will never forget. I think that if I was in Africa I would love the kids just as much as you do. Isnt it neat how children can put a smile on your face with out even doing anything. And I have learned that no matter what you do kids always think you are funny too...even me!
What happen to the phone call on Sunday? We tried to call you back a few times and didnt get an answer from you????? It is always nice to see your golden locks, no really it is always fun to talk. I was a little bummed it didnt work out.
I cant believe you only have 18 days left. That is crazy. Our family reunion is coming up. It will be a little sad without you. I am flying into Ft. Worth early to hang out with aubs and joe is flying in to austin to hang with ames and see the sites. We then are all driving down and spending a night in austin, before we go to San Antonio. I am excited for a break. I am a little stressed. Went to the doc today cause I woke up with major back pain. He assured me I have some HUGE stress knots and I need Joe to get them out. Sweet. Stess knots....gotta love that.
Well lets talk again. I love you.

No Heroes Here said...

Sounds like a great time. Know that I'm praying for you all as you finish your last two weeks and I finish mine!
Take care, and Godspeed,
Rick Warren was by far my least favorite part of Urbana, for a number of reasons. Hope it was better.

Craig said...

Aaron!! It is awesome to see and hear from you. I hope that you are having the most amazing of times and according to our blog, it looks like you are. I can not wait to have you out here it wll be such a nice last vacation for you. Email me about when you will be coming in.!
Also let me know if you have Skype. I do and if so we can plan a time to get on and speak ! love you brother.

grandma said...

hi aaron, i haven't forgotten you.i did send you an e-mail and i didn't hear back from you. maybe you didn't receive it and i know you are busy. sure doesn't seem like you have only a couple of weeks left, how time flies when you are having fun and doing good for other people. we are back down in texas and looking forward to going to the vacation ranch and seeing everyone, we will all miss you. if we all like it i think we will make reservations for next year, it's closer to where most everyone lives right now and then next year i don't suppose ashley and joe will be here. i'm anxious, as everyone is to hear what aubrey and clint's baby is. god is so good to all of us. your dad said he talked to you-how neat. adam calls me real often, i am so glad he got a job. he likes to work for clint, and it is great of clint to have him, they get along so good too. i talked to amy last week too, she has job too, i am not sure if it is what she wants for long term but she said it's ok until she finds what she is looking for. i'm sure i have told news that you already heard, having talked to them by phone. we are going to have pizza with makayla, she told jermiah, she wanted to come out and eat with us, she talks so plain. jordyn won 1st in swimming so all of them went to state to see her compeet. i need to go so we pray God keeps you safe and when you travel too. love you aaron---grandma


TheWrightStuff said...

It's your sis. I feel a bit obligated to write a post, after being repremanded in your blog. :-) haha...I know it's probably so fun to get posts.

Let's see what is going on here since I last wrote....I haven't been doing much this week...taking it easy..It's really been the first week since of summer that I have really gotten to just relax. That is always nice. Your pictures from your hike were absoutley beautiful. I bet you were right in your element. Bubba, kids and the doesn't get much better than that. :-) I had Clint and Adam watch your videos...we all died laughing at your singing...and your really need a hiar cut bubs! It made us miss you. But we were glad to see you were sticking to the true "bubba" nature.

Only 1 week until we find out what this little baby is...we are pumped! I"ll be sure to email you right away next Thursday and let you know as well. I am going to go register next week for all of the "baby" stuff.....I am clueles....I guess that is normal (I hope!! haha)

Anyway...I love you bubs! I am still so super proud of my little bro'. You have an amazing heart and a fabulous love for others. Keep rockin' rwanda!

Love ya,

Lindsey said...

Hey Aaron!
I hope you are doing great! This is the first time I've seen your blog thing- I am so impressed- this is really cool, I wish I'd known about it all along. I really liked reading about all that you've been doing- I can't wait to talk to you when you get back too.
My friend Lauren from NC helped me find the site for your blog. She is probably going to come and visit again this year.
Your singing cracked me up...I only saw a few pictures on here that all you have up?...or am I just being my usual technologically-challenged self? the way you should be really impressed I figured out how to post a comment (I won't tell you how long it took me).
The kids in that one picture look so cute- I bet they love you. I just finished reading 'A Long Way Gone- Memoirs of a Boy Soldier'- did you get a chance to read it yet? Sorry it took me until a week before you were coming back to get on here- I miss you!- Lindsey

Unknown said...

haha- the kids climbing out from the rocks, trees, and everyother imaginable crevice, so true! I love how much you love the people and culture here aaron it is so refreshing to see you jump in and simply appreciate and love these people. you are a blessing to rwanda keep up the good work!

Craig said...

Sooo, I am going to plan on you getting a ride the night of the 8th when you arrive here. We could not have a decent convo on Skype so I wanted to make sure hat we were on the sae page. Let me know if this is true and what some of the plans are that you would like to do. I will be good that whole weekend of the 11 but come that following Monday my mornings will be more than likely taken up. Love to hear from you about it so get to me quick. Stay blessed brother. Craig

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Living, Learning, Loving