Monday, June 18, 2007

The Weekend In Gitarama!

Hello everyone. This weekend the two other interns and I traveled to Gitarama (about an hour away) where 4 of our friends are staying for their internships. First let me describe to you our traveling situation. In Rwanda they use taxi's (Matatu's) to travel, basically like a city bus system instead they use vans. It costs a 100 F's (twenty cents) to get a ride and they are usually very very packed. Ok so picture a van with 4 rows of back seats, a driver, and a passenger riding shotgun and then picture it filled with 22 people including 3 Mazungu's (this is the term they call us, it means white person) stuffed in the farthest back corner for a hour an a half. To occupy my time I tried talking to the Rwandan man sitting next to me, but since I don't know Kinyarwandan there was alittle bit of a language barrier. So instead I shared my ipod with him and we jammed out to American music all the way to Gitarama. Fun Times!

Gitarama was a lot of fun. Friday night we basiallly just hung out, which somehow turned into "let's see how ridiculous we can dance" session. So needless to say I dropped down and got my eagle on, but it just wasn't the same though without my partner Craig. On Saturday afternoon we spotted a cool looking tree from our porch and decided we were going to walk to it. The tree looked approximately 3 miles away, something we thought we could handle, so we decided to go.

-I'm going to interupt for a second to tell you about the celebrity status you recieve when your a Mazungu in Africa because we expierenced it alot on our walk. First of all everyone stares. It does not matter where you are at, people are in awe when a white person is in their presence. Then it is followed by yelling outloud Mazungo and pointing in the direction of the white people. This then grabs everyone elses attention who may not of noticed you yet and they begin to stare and point. The children believe, I think, that the white person is Santa Clause. Everywhere we go there is a pact of children following us, we don't know where they come from, they just appear from nowhere. Every afternoon we walk out of our guest house there are literally around 20 children waiting to attack the Mazungo's. Now don't get me wrong it is an enjoyable expierence, but day after day after day after day, it starts to get old. But you can't resist them, they are just too cute! Dangit! So if you want a glimpse of what it feels like to be a celebrity and your white, go to Africa. -

Anyways, our trip to the tree, so as we are walking and things are taking place as I just explained we find a road that leads straight to the tree. The road led us through a valley and up a hill past more rural family settings and turned out to be a very beautiful walk. As we start getting closer to the tree we pass a little rural village, and as we are passing we hear behind us kids shouting Mazungu, Mazungu. As I look behind there are probably 20 kids about a mile away in full sprint towards us, basically a stampede of children. Once they caught up to us the group of kids grew to about 30. The children must of been sprouting from the ground because a few mintues later we were surrounded by 50 children. To entertain all the kids we played Duck, Duck, Goose for a about a half an hour. They then taught us a song where we danced around in a circle singing. The children were hysterical and it turned out to be a lot of fun.
On Sunday we decided to go to a Pentecostal Church. The service was very energetic and lively and caused me to get my groove on in my sit. The groove started to shut down though after the 2nd hour of the service, and then it shut down completely after the 3rd hour, and at 3 in a half hours we left the service early (yes i said early) becuase we had to catch the Matatu back to Kigali. The service last around 4 hours total. Now don't get me wrong I love to give the Lord Praise, but when it is in a different language and Rwandans are staring at you the whole time cause your a Mazungu, a person can only take so much. But overall it was encouraging to watch these people that have been through so much and are still so in love with the Lord. So that was my very eventful weekend. It is crazy to think that I have only been here for 10 days and have 50 more to go, which I would describe as "Me living the dream". HOLLA!


Craig said...

Well that celebrity status is something that is new to you because it is dealing wth childen...but we have girls sorouting out of the ground, crowding around us and asking us to play duck duck "GOOSE" all the time. So you are lucky that it is not too foreign to you.
It sounds like a ton of fun brother. You are blessed with a loving heart and I am sure the little munchkins love ya. If I were there then we would difinitely be breaking it down to the ground.
I am on my way to Seattle now and I am so excited. Soon I will be off to Cape Town and then you know what time it is!!!OHHH BABY!!!! (by the way, start emailing me at this address, and if you want to then check out my new webpage at you are wondering how I am doing all this computer stuff it is because I just got a new laptop!!!!! Sweet huh? That video was funny...I enjoyd it, more voice overs please, those were funny.I am sorry that I have to go but I will hear from you soon I hope..Let me leave you with this tasty little lick.

Though yor miles away
your still in my heart
because our love for each other
is off the chart

We will see each other soon
so keep playing duck duck goose
because when we meet in Cape Town
are dancing we will break loose

So enjoy your time
with Food for the HUNGU
and remember that your always
my little Mazungu.

Aubrey said...

(okay...maybe I am not supposed to call you that on the internet..but oh well). I just read your latest blog and was laughing so hard! It sounds like you are having a blast...which is what I had expectd. I am glad you have finally reached the celeb status that you have always wanted...when you come home we'll be sure to gwak and stare to make you feel at home. :-) he he.
I have been teaching summer school geometry....8 hours a day....about to go crazy. I only have 6 days I guess I can retain my "math nerd" status until then (which by the way also makes people gawk and stare). I just got off the phone with Mom, Amy, Rach & Strahn they are all in London and having a blast. I am sure they'll fill you in on thier stories when they get back.

Baby "wright" is doing well. :-) Just making my pants too tight and causing me to eat all the time (oh wait that is nothing new! ha ha) We go back to the Doc July 5 and we'll probably know if we are having a boy or a girl when you get back. We should find out at the beginning of Aug. Then you'll know how to spell it's name ..Erin or Aaron ....ha ha.

Anyway, I love ya bubs...I am glad everything is going well and you are loving every second. Cherish the moments before they become memories.

Love your big sis...

jwow said...

Oh my goodness, you are a celeb. Your dreams are really coming true!!!! I know how you feel cause that is my life here in DC, you know being a Mazungu in DC. I am sure you are totally rockin' the celeb status too. I can only picture your "eagle" dance, and how you were sportin' your stuff.
I am just starting summer school this week. I am not very excited about it like Aubs" the math nerd" is. Mom and Amy left for London yesterday so it has been a bit quiet around the house. It was fun to have them out, cause I hadnt seen ames in a year. Can you believe it? Rach said that they got bumped up to first class on the flight, I wonder how they managed that.
I love you and keep up with the blog cause I just sit and wait for the next one to pop up.
You Rock!!!!!!

debby said...

Holla, indeed! Hey, I a question, if you are dark complected with brown hair would they still be infatuated?

I love the ipod story, I would love to have seen that! Did he know what one was?

Yes, celebrity bites. I experience it every day and it does get a little tedious sometimes. Oh well, if it weren't for the fans.......

Just got back from AZ. Last night I was walking Indy to his car at my parent's house in the dark and it suddenly sounded like their sprinkler system came on.....wait, they don't have a sprinkler system! It was a rattle snake. We were so scared cause we couldn't actually see where it was. I finally saw something in the dark slithering across the driveway a few feet behind us. We were VERY lucky!

Keep up the good work and the stories. They are great!


jessgetz said...

Good morning Aaron...I was talking with Aunt Debby on IM this morning and she sent me your blog info. Wow, what an experience. I will keep you in my prayers and be checking the blog often. Take care of yourself!

randymartin said...

hi aaron love your dad !!!

TheWrightStuff said...

I am currently trying to help dad post a comment. Hopefully he'll get one up soon.

andy!! said...

Hey aaron! first off, your new outfit (the orange tang) well lets just say you look really really devilishly good looking in it. and second if you do the bungie thing you wrote about, you will be my hero. on a serous note i just wanted to let you know how much of a blessing it has been to read you post the past few months. It seems like just yesterday we were walking to peskins class discusing humanitarian issues throughout the world. its just awsome to see you getting your chance to make a difference with some of these places and issues we talked about. it is really an inspiration to me when i read them. i hope you cherrish your last couple of days and have a great time in cape town with my craigy.. also i can't wait to see you in a couple of weeks. i hope your ready to live the dream in the zone... Big Willie style.

love you bro

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Living, Learning, Loving