Tuesday, June 12, 2007

First Few Days!

Hello everyone! I arrived in Kigali safe and sound after a nasty total of 24 hours of being in an airplane, but it was all well worth it. Kigali really is a wonderful place. Rwanda's slogan is "the Land of a Thousand Hills" and they are beautiful. The city is built throughout the hills, which makes for spectacular views no matter where you are at. The city is also relatively well developed and very clean. The President of Rwanda - Paul Kagame - was voted Democratic President of the year and it is well noticeable. The 6 other interns and I are staying in Food for the Hungry's guest house. It is frankly Awesome. The house is built on a side of a hill overlooking different parts of the city, the view is beautiful. We also have internet, electricity, and hot water. Now keep in mind that this is all relative. For example, the electricity is not always dependable, we were without electricity for about a day (taking advantage of having no light we played hide and seek thorughout the house, may sound lame but it was alot of fun). It has been alot of fun living with 6 other interns, we all get a long well and seem to never stop laughing. Seriously!

Something that comes with living in Rwanda is the Genocide that took place in 1994 becomes more real. If you do not know much about it I encourage you to look it up and read about it. On April 6th in 1994 and ending on July 12th (i think) 800,000 people were killed because they identified themselves with a group called the Tutsis. I have studied the subject quite abit but have been exposed to it here differently. A friend of one of the Food for the Hungry staff members came to the guest house on sunday night and shared with us his expierences with the genocide. His story was very hard to listen to and gave me a personal look at what really happened in those 100 days. Yesterday we also visited the National Memorial/Museum, to understand and process what when on here seems to be impossible at times. The realities of what took place are unimaginable for many westerners and are largely ignored. That is all I am going to tell you though, I really want you to read about it I want you to learn about where I am and why Food for the Hungry got started here.


s-pamy said...

your right, i'm ever so happy to know that you made it to Africa safe and sound. I praise the woman you meet on the plane. She is my little mama angel.
i think i'll wait till i get back from London (june 27th) before i look up the history of where your at. (good plan, uhn?)
i think about you often and each time your baby blues pop into my mind i say a little prayer.
I know that you will grow emotionally & spiritually this summer. along with the wisdom you will obtain from your first hand experiences, I can see that God is molding you into a front line soldier. I'm not only proud of who you are i'm also extremely happy for you .....I'll keep this short and hope the electric stays on long enough for you to read it :-)
love you to the moon and back X2,

s-pamy said...

Spamy coming at ya now! First off you rule...and I am so proud of my little brother...God is going to move in big ways for you this summer Bubba both in your personal walk, and through that He is going to use you to shine light on the country and people of Rawanda! I pray God just continues to fuel your passion and widsom. May this experience truly be a time where you Know God better and make HIM Known!!
I love you and am praying for you..
and remember..

"Old people all though slow and dangerous behind the wheel still do serve a purpose...now don't you going die on me"....quote dumb and dumber
spamy :)

jwow said...

A little about my day. I came to school on Mon. morn. to see the janitor shooing a piegon out of our building. That is right, a piegon, a rat with wings as they call it in the city. As I approach my room I see there is pigeon poop on the hallway floor leading to my door. As I walk in my classroom, there is piegon poop EVERYWHERE and feathers. The piegon apparently camped out in my classroom all weekend long. Gotta love this place. share this with your "funny friend."
I love you. And I wish I could have been at the museum with you, what an amazing experience.
love, ash

Jeremiah said...

Its me again, I think everyone needs there own username. I get so confused reading the comments, then I get to the end and everything gets a little clearer, but dang it people take a second and set up your own accounts. Oh yeah love yall

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Living, Learning, Loving